My name is Laurien Hook, and I live just outside Houston, Texas. I am a native Texan with a love for Tex-Mex, BBQ, and all things tacos. I am on staff at a church in the area where I teach, write curriculum, and meet with beautiful people each week to discuss the Scriptures and theology while we share the best and worst parts of life together. I have a BA in Biblical Languages and a Master’s in Theology. I’m currently pursuing my Doctorate of Ministry.
I grew up believing life was black and white. I had no room for what I now call the “grey spaces”. However, as I experienced more and more life, I realized these grey spaces are often where our lives play out. They are the spaces where we have to wrestle for a shred of truth. They are the spaces where the answers we have always received and given no longer work. What does it look like to continually wrestle with topics as complex as our beliefs about ourselves, God, and the Scriptures? So, if you find yourself slightly bruised from life, or in full-out triage mode with your faith, you are welcome. If you have never felt stronger in your faith, you are welcome. If you don’t have any faith at all, you are welcome.
I have a deep appreciation for the Scriptures combined with an incredibly high view and love of Jesus Christ. I also believe we continually need to re-examine our ideas as we seek to deepen our understanding of God and ourselves. This is a space where we can work together to grow, learn, and wrestle with what it means to be made more like our Savior.
I am glad you are here for part of this journey! Take a look around and join the community in whatever way is best for you!
Between the Creations is a podcast covering a variety of topics pertaining to theology and the Bible. We are living, quite literally, between the creations. Genesis 1-2 gives us the account of the first creation, while Revelation 21 tells us of a renewed, restored creation. In the midst of this, we often get stuck in the grey spaces between an idealized theology and real-life. We are continually needing to re-think, re-learn, and grow in this grey space where we live between the creations.
Join us each week as Laurien talks with various guests about theology, the Bible, and how we can best live during the between time.

Assorted thoughts on theology, the Bible, & culture